Connect Apache Spark to your HBase database (Spark-HBase Connector)Data ScienceTech by Sunny Srinidhi - April 1, 2019January 31, 20202 There will be times when you’ll need the data in your HBase database to be brought into Apache Spark for processing. Usually, you’ll query the database, get the data in whatever format you fancy, and then load that into Spark, maybe using the `parallelize()`function. This works, just fine. But depending on the size of the data, this could cause delays. At least it did for our application. So after some research, we stumbled upon a Spark-HBase connector in Hortonworks repository. Now, what is this connector and why should you be considering this? The Spark-HBase Connector (shc-core) The SHC is a tool provided by Hortonworks to connect your HBase database to Apache Spark so that you can tell your Spark context to pickup the
How you can improve your backend services’ performance using Apache KafkaTech by Sunny Srinidhi - November 27, 2018February 25, 20201 In most real world applications, we have a RESTful API service facing various client applications and a collection of backend services which process the data coming from those clients. Depending on the application, the architecture might have various services spread across multiple clusters of servers, and some form of queue or messaging service gluing them together. Today, we're going to talk about one such messaging service - Apache Kafka - and how it can improve the performance of your services. We're going to assume that we have at least two microservices, one for the APIs that are exposed to the world, and one which processes the requests coming in from the API microservice, but in an async fashion. Because this is
Simple Apache Kafka Producer and Consumer using Spring BootTech by Sunny Srinidhi - November 23, 2018March 2, 20202 Originally published here: Before I even start talking about Apache Kafka here, let me answer your question after you read the topic — aren’t there enough posts and guides about this topic already? Yes, there are plenty of reference documents and how-to posts about how to create Kafka producers and consumers in a Spring Boot application. Then why am I writing another post about this? Well, in the future, I’ll be talking about some advanced stuff, in the data science space. Apache Kafka is one of the most used technologies and tools in this space. It kind of becomes important to know how to work with Apache Kafka in a real-world application. So this is an introductory post to the technology, which we’ll be