Auto-discovery of packages in Laravel 5.5Tech by Sunny Srinidhi - June 2, 20171 Laravel 5.5 is right around the corner, and there are quite a few amazing features coming with this new version. Taylor Otwell has been writing about the framework's new features frequently. The latest feature that he has announced is the auto-discovery of packages, their service providers, and facade aliases. This means, starting Laravel 5.5, we'll not have to manually copy-paste anything to the providers and the aliases array in app.php in the config folder. So, if a package you're installing via composer has the required configuration in it's composer.json file, the framework will automatically register any providers and aliases provided by the package. Taylor Otwell also mentioned that he has already sent a pull request to the Laravel Debugbar package by Barry
Laravel’s new migrate:fresh commandTech by Sunny Srinidhi - April 12, 2017April 12, 20170 One of the features in Laravel, because of which I fell in love with the framework initially, is migrations. I don't remember how most other frameworks handle migrations, but Laravel's migration engine is super awesome. If you work with Laravel regularly, you'd have no doubt used a few migration commands, maybe for creating a migration file, running migrations, rolling back migrations, etc. During development, it's not uncommon to run into situations where you break your DB schema and wanting to start from scratch, you know, a blank DB. Laravel makes this super easy with the migrate:refresh command. When you run this command against your database, the tool runs the down() function in all your migration files, thereby going back in time
Understanding PHP VariablesTech by Sunny Srinidhi - April 5, 2017April 5, 20170 If you know PHP, you know that it's written in C. If you know C, you also know that it's statically typed. What does this mean? This means that you need to declare the type of a variable when you are declaring the variable. This is how you declare a variable in C: int a = 0; And this is how you do the same in PHP: $a = 0; So how does PHP know that $a is an integer and not a string? Or any other type? How does PHP convert this dynamic typing into static typing for the underlying C code? To understand this, you need to understand how PHP handles variables in it's code. And that's what we are going to
Use Config Caching to Speed Up Your Laravel AppTech by Sunny Srinidhi - March 13, 2017March 13, 20170 As web developers, we're always looking for ways to speed up our app. It's all about milliseconds today. There are several ways by which a web app or a web service could be optimised for speed. Being one of the most used and popular PHP frameworks, Laravel has a few tricks up its sleeves to make this happen. One of them is config caching. Obviously, this is not going to make tremendous improvement, but significant enough to be written about. So what is config caching? Well, it's exactly what it sounds like, you cache all your configuration so that you don't have to go looking for it every time you want to read a configuration. Laravel, as usual, has an artisan command