Apache Spark is a popular big data processing tool. In this post, we are going to look at a few techniques using which we can optimise the performance of our Spark jobs.
Tag: spark
Connect Apache Spark with MongoDB database using the mongo-spark-connector
A couple of days back, we saw how we can connect Apache Spark to an Apache HBase database and query the data from a table using a catalog. Today, we’ll see how we can connect Apache Spark to a MongoDB database and get data directly into Spark from there. MongoDB provides us a plugin called the mongo-spark-connector, which will help us connect MongoDB and Spark without any drama at all. We just need to provide the MongoDB connection URI in the SparkConf object, and create a ReadConfig object specifying the collection name. It might sound complicated right now, but once you look at the code, you’ll understand how extremely easy this is. So, let’s look at an example. The Dataset Before we look
Connect Apache Spark to your HBase database (Spark-HBase Connector)
There will be times when you’ll need the data in your HBase database to be brought into Apache Spark for processing. Usually, you’ll query the database, get the data in whatever format you fancy, and then load that into Spark, maybe using the `parallelize()`function. This works, just fine. But depending on the size of the data, this could cause delays. At least it did for our application. So after some research, we stumbled upon a Spark-HBase connector in Hortonworks repository. Now, what is this connector and why should you be considering this? The Spark-HBase Connector (shc-core) The SHC is a tool provided by Hortonworks to connect your HBase database to Apache Spark so that you can tell your Spark context to pickup the