When you're starting your machine learning journey, you'll come across null hypothesis and the p-value. At a certain point in...
Data Science
We have seen methods such as fit(), transform(), and fit_transform() in a lot of SciKit's libraries. And almost all tutorials,...
In a very old post - Label Encoder vs. One Hot Encoder in Machine Learning - I had demonstrated how...
I recently discovered that you can't invoke more than one Lambda function in AWS for an S3 event, with the...
In the previous post, we tried to understand the basics of Apache's Kafka Streams. In this post, we'll build on...
In the age of big data and data science, stream processing is very significant. So it's not at all surprising...
If you work with streams of big data which have to be collected, transformed, and analysed, you for sure would...
In the last post, we saw how to query data from S3 using Amazon Athena in the AWS Console. But...
Amazon Athena is defined as "an interactive query service that makes it easy to analyze data directly in Amazon Simple...
In the last few posts, we saw how to connect Apache Drill with MongoDB and also how we can connect...