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Querying Hive Tables From a Spring Boot App

In this post, we’ll see how to connect to a Hive database and run queries on that database from a Spring Boot application.

Here’s how you can Dockerize a Spring Boot web application

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Docker is everywhere today, and if you’re not part of the wave, you’re missing out on a lot. But how to get started? I’ll show you how.

Overriding Spring Boot properties in Amazon Lambda

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In this post, we’ll see how we can maintain Spring Boot properties in an Amazon Lambda function without making code changes.

Publishing messages to Amazon SNS from a Spring Boot application

We’ll learn how we can publish messages to an SNS topic from a Spring Boot application. This can be done from any Java code or framework.

Receiving messages from Amazon SQS in a Spring Boot application

In this post, we'll see how we can receive messages from an Amazon SQS queue in a Spring Boot application. This is a continuation of the previous post where we talked about how we can send messages to an SQS queue. The obvious next part of that is how do we receive those messages. So in this post, we'll do just that. If you don't have an Amazon SQS queue created already, checkout the previous post on how to do it. Here, I'll assume that you already have that pipeline setup. So I'm going to skip that part of the post. We'll jump right into the code. The Code The first thing we need to add in our Spring Boot application is the

Sending messages to Amazon SQS from a Spring Boot application

We're looking at yet another proof of concept (POC) application today. We're going to see how we can integrate Amazon SQS, which stands for Simple Queue Service into our Spring Boot application so that we can send messages to the queue. I'm going to use a few terms in this post which are influenced by Apache Kafka, because I come with extensive Kafka experience. However, I'm not going to compare Apache Kafka and Amazon SQS here. To clear things up, any service which sends a message to an SQS queue, I'll refer to such a service as the producer. And any service which receives a message from an SQS queue, I'll refer to that as the consumer. Now that we

Put data to Amazon Kinesis Firehose delivery stream using Spring Boot

Amazon Kinesis Firehose

If you work with streams of big data which have to be collected, transformed, and analysed, you for sure would have heard of Amazon Kinesis Firehose. It is an AWS service used to load streams of data to data lakes or analytical tools, along with compressing, transforming, or encrypting the data. You can use Firehose to load streaming data to something like S3, or RedShift. From there, you can use a SQL query engine such as Amazon Athena to query this data. You can even connect this data to your BI tool and get real time analytics of the data. This could be very useful in applications where real time analysis of data is necessary. In this post, we'll see

How to Query Athena from a Spring Boot application?

amazon athena

In the last post, we saw how to query data from S3 using Amazon Athena in the AWS Console. But querying from the Console itself if very limited. We can't really do much with the data, and anytime we want to analyse this data, we can't really sit in front of the console the whole day and run queries manually. We need to automate the process. And what better way to do that than writing a piece of code? So in this post, we'll see how we can use the AWS Java SDK in a Spring Boot application and query the same sample data set from the previous post. We'll then log it to the console to make sure we're

Use Apache Drill with Spring Boot or Java to query data using SQL queries

In the last few posts, we saw how to connect Apache Drill with MongoDB and also how we can connect it to Kafka to query data using simple SQL queries. But when you want to move this to an actual real world project, you can't sit around querying data from a terminal all day long. You want to write a piece of code which does the dirty work for you. But how exactly do you use Apache Drill within your code? Today, we'll see how we can achieve this with Spring Boot, or pretty much any other Java program. The Dependencies For this POC, I'm going to write a simple Spring Boot CommandLineRunner program. But you can use pretty much any other

Integrate AWS DynamoDB with Spring Boot

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Here is another POC to add to the growing list of POCs on my Github profile. Today, we’ll see how to integrate AWS DynamoDB with a Spring Boot application. This is going to be super simple, thanks to the AWS Java SDK and the Spring Data DynamoDB package. Let’s get started then. Dependencies First, as usual, we need to create a Spring Boot project, the dependencies of which look like: <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter</artifactId> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>com.amazonaws</groupId> <artifactId>aws-java-sdk-dynamodb</artifactId> <version>1.11.573</version>
