The art of load balancing – Part 2Tech by Sunny Srinidhi - July 27, 2020July 27, 20200 There are many strategies used by a load balancer. Here, continuing from part 1, we’ll see what these strategies are and how they work.
The art of load balancing – Part 1 (Understanding a load balancer)Tech by Sunny Srinidhi - June 3, 2020June 3, 20200 We hear about load balancers everywhere. But what does it mean and how does it work? Can you try it out youself? Let’s see.
Kinesis Data Streams vs. Kinesis Firehose Delivery StreamsData Science by Sunny Srinidhi - May 25, 2020August 27, 20240 I have talked about Kinesis before, and I'm sure you've been using Kinesis for longer than me. But according to what I've seen, not all teams or companies use all parts of Kinesis. And, there are four parts in Kinesis: Ingest and process streaming data with Kinesis streams - Kinesis Data Streams Deliver streaming data with Kinesis Firehose delivery streams - Kinesis Firehose Delivery Streams Analyse streaming data with Kinesis analytics applications - Kinesis Analytics Ingest and process media streams with Kinesis video streams - Kinesis Video Streams All these four parts offer something different. Well, the last two are definitely different than the first two. But it's the first two that I see a lot of people getting confused with. So I thought I'll
Why caching is important to improve your system’s performanceTech by Sunny Srinidhi - May 5, 2020December 18, 20210 We often hear about caching data on servers, but exactly does that mean? And how do we cache data? What are the different approaches?
Explore your Amazon S3 data online using FilestashTech by Sunny Srinidhi - April 29, 2020April 29, 20200 Filestash is a very handy tool in your browser which helps you nativage your S3 buckets and folders easily, and even edit files online.
Get Apple Sidecar-like feature on a PC with Wired XDisplayTech by Sunny Srinidhi - April 20, 2020April 20, 20200 With Wired XDisplay, you can mirror your PC’s screen on an iPad, iPhone, or Android smartphones and tablets. Le’t see how to do that.
Redundancy in a distributed systemTech by Sunny Srinidhi - April 13, 20200 We don’t think of introducting redundancy in our systems early enough. This is bad. Let’s see why with an example, and how to fix it.
How To Generate Parquet Files in JavaData Science by Sunny Srinidhi - April 7, 2020April 7, 202014 The Parquet file format has become very popular lately. In this post, we’ll see what it is, and how to create Parquet files in Java using Spring Boot.
Choreography-based Saga for Microservices and Serverless ApplicationsTech by Sunny Srinidhi - April 1, 20200 How do you take care of transactions in a microservices or serverless architecture? We’ll talk about choreography-based saga to solve this.
Here’s how you can Dockerize a Spring Boot web applicationTech by Sunny Srinidhi - March 24, 2020March 24, 20200 Docker is everywhere today, and if you’re not part of the wave, you’re missing out on a lot. But how to get started? I’ll show you how.