Apache Spark SQL User Defined Function (UDF) POC in JavaData ScienceTech by Sunny Srinidhi - May 14, 2019December 19, 20192 If you’ve worked with Spark SQL, you might have come across the concept of User Defined Functions (UDFs). As the name suggests, it’s a feature where you define a function, pretty straight forward. But how is this different from any other custom function that you write? Well, when you’re working with Spark in a distributed environment, your code is distributed across the cluster. For this to happen, your code entities have to be serializable, including the various functions you call. When you want to manipulate columns in your Dataset, Spark provides a variety of built-in functions. But there are cases when you want a custom implementation to work with your columns. For this, Spark provides UDF. But you should be warned,
Connect Apache Spark with MongoDB database using the mongo-spark-connectorData ScienceTech by Sunny Srinidhi - April 3, 2019February 28, 20200 A couple of days back, we saw how we can connect Apache Spark to an Apache HBase database and query the data from a table using a catalog. Today, we’ll see how we can connect Apache Spark to a MongoDB database and get data directly into Spark from there. MongoDB provides us a plugin called the mongo-spark-connector, which will help us connect MongoDB and Spark without any drama at all. We just need to provide the MongoDB connection URI in the SparkConf object, and create a ReadConfig object specifying the collection name. It might sound complicated right now, but once you look at the code, you’ll understand how extremely easy this is. So, let’s look at an example. The Dataset Before we look
Connect Apache Spark to your HBase database (Spark-HBase Connector)Data ScienceTech by Sunny Srinidhi - April 1, 2019January 31, 20202 There will be times when you’ll need the data in your HBase database to be brought into Apache Spark for processing. Usually, you’ll query the database, get the data in whatever format you fancy, and then load that into Spark, maybe using the `parallelize()`function. This works, just fine. But depending on the size of the data, this could cause delays. At least it did for our application. So after some research, we stumbled upon a Spark-HBase connector in Hortonworks repository. Now, what is this connector and why should you be considering this? The Spark-HBase Connector (shc-core) The SHC is a tool provided by Hortonworks to connect your HBase database to Apache Spark so that you can tell your Spark context to pickup the
What is multicollinearity?Data Science by Sunny Srinidhi - August 8, 2018January 30, 20200 Multicollinearity is a term we often come across when we’re working with multiple regression models. But do we actually know what it means?
Overfitting and Underfitting models in Machine LearningData Science by Sunny Srinidhi - August 2, 20180 In most of our posts about machine learning, we've talked about overfitting and underfitting. But most of us don't yet know what those two terms mean. What does it acutally mean when a model is overfit, or underfit? Why are they considered not good? And how do they affect the accuracy of our model's predictions? These are some of the basic, but important questions we need to ask and get answers to. So let's discuss these two today. The datasets we use for training and testing our models play a huge role in the efficiency of our models. Its equally important to understand the data we're working with. The quantity and the quality of the data also matter, obviously. When the data
Different types of Validations in Machine Learning (Cross Validation)Data Science by Sunny Srinidhi - August 1, 20180 Now that we know what is feature selection and how to do it, let's move our focus to validating the efficiency of our model. This is known as validation or cross validation, depending on what kind of validation method you're using. But before that, let's try to understand why we need to validate our models. Validation, or Evaluation of Residuals Once you are done with fitting your model to you training data, and you've also tested it with your test data, you can't just assume that its going to work well on data that it has not seen before. In other words, you can't be sure that the model will have the desired accuracy and variance in your production environment. You need
Different methods of feature selectionData Science by Sunny Srinidhi - July 31, 2018November 6, 20191 In our previous post, we discussed what is feature selection and why we need feature selection. In this post, we're going to look at the different methods used in feature selection. There are three main classification of feature selection methods - Filter Methods, Wrapper Methods, and Embedded Methods. We'll look at all of them individually. Filter Methods Filter methods are learning-algorithm-agnostic, which means they can be employed no matter which learning algorithm you're using. They're generally used as data pre-processors. In filter methods, each individual feature in the dataset will be scored on its correlation with the dependent variable. A variety of statistical tests will be used to calculate this correlation score. Based on this score, it will be decided whether to
What is Feature Selection and why do we need it in Machine Learning?Data Science by Sunny Srinidhi - July 31, 2018November 11, 20192 If you've come across a dataset in your machine learning endeavors which has more than one feature, you'd have also heard of a concept called Feature Selection. Today, we're going to find out what it is and why we need it. When a dataset has too many features, it would not be ideal to include all of them in our machine learning model. Some features may be irrelevant for the independent variable. For example, if you are going to predict how much it would cost to crush a car, and the features you're given are: the dimensions of the car if the car will be delivered to the crusher or the company has to go pick it up if the car
Linear Regression in Python using SciKit LearnData Science by Sunny Srinidhi - July 30, 2018July 30, 20181 Today we'll be looking at a simple Linear Regression example in Python, and as always, we'll be using the SciKit Learn library. If you haven't yet looked into my posts about data pre-processing, which is required before you can fit a model, checkout how you can encode your data to make sure it doesn't contain any text, and then how you can handle missing data in your dataset. After that you have to make sure all your features are in the same range for the model so that one feature is not dominating the whole output; and for this, you need feature scaling. Finally, split your data into training and testing sets. Once you're done with all that, you're ready to start your
Why do we need feature scaling in Machine Learning and how to do it using SciKit Learn?Data Science by Sunny Srinidhi - July 27, 2018November 5, 20191 When you're working with a learning model, it is important to scale the features to a range which is centered around zero. This is done so that the variance of the features are in the same range. If a feature's variance is orders of magnitude more than the variance of other features, that particular feature might dominate other features in the dataset, which is not something we want happening in our model. The aim here is to to achieve Gaussian with zero mean and unit variance. There are many ways of doing this, two most popular are standardisation and normalisation. No matter which method you choose, the SciKit Learn library provides a class to easily scale our data. We can use the StandardScaler